picture of general Osterhaus

General Osterhaus

17th Missouri Volunteers

The Western Turner Rifles Story

picture of Col. Wanglin

Colonel Hugo Wanglin

picture of Col. Hassendeubel

Col. Franz Hassendeubel

picture of Johann Gottlieb and Johann Frederick Dietzman picture of Sgt. Christian Hinderberger

Sgt. Christian Hinterberger

Private Gottlieb Dietzman and Drummer Boy Frederick Dietzman

The 17th Missouri Volunteer Infantry Regiment  was organized in St. Louis, Missouri in August 1861 by the German-American Turner Society. With its ranks filled by Turners recruited throughout the country, the regiment was known as the Western Turner Rifles.   During the Civil War, the  Western Turner Rifles  was part of the "Light German Brigade" comprising the 3rd, 12th and 17th Missouri Regiments. The 17th Missouri was engaged from the earliest days of the Civil War marching from St. Louis to Georgia, fighting at Pea Ridge, Searcy Landing, Chickasaw Bluff, Arkansas Post, Jackson, Vicksburg, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Ringgold Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Atlanta, Ezra's Church, Jonesborough, Lovejoy Station and Savannah.

After the Civil War, the men of the 17th Missouri returned to their homes in St. Louis, Cincinnati, Philadelphia and other German settlments throughout the United States. Many were active in the Grand Army of the Republic. In St. Louis, 17th Missouri veterans founded GAR Post 13 in honor of their commanding officer, Col. Franz Hassendeubel who died in combat at Vicksburg.

Almost one thousand men served in the 17th Missouri during the period 1861-1864. We encourage descendants of the men who served in the 17th Missouri to submit biographies, photographs, letters, diaries, newspaper articles and other information to be posted on this site.  We thank those who have submitted information. Please email us at us17mo@pacbell.net if you have any information or comments.

Please take a few minutes to read the Western Turner Rifles Story

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Read about the men who served with the 17th Missouri. Biographies and Pictures

Review official reports from civil war archives and other sources. Reports

Check out a listing of the Battles fought by the 17th Missouri.  Battle Chronology

Read first hand accounts of the civil war as experienced by the men of the 17th Letters & Diaries

The flags of the 17th Missouri. Flags

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We have translated the site for German readers. Die Geschichte des Westlichen Turner-Schuetzenregiments

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